Monday, January 26, 2009

What's the worst that can happen??

The BAD has reared its ugly head once again. I feel like it never really went away. The topic of "hitting rock bottom" was brought up and the conclusion was made that there is no such thing as "rock bottom" because something else can always push the bottom another 6 feet.
The Aura in the atmosphere is reminding me of my shitty 2008. Its like Deja Vu. SERIOUSLY??? Why is it that cloud 9 is the highest of high but "rock bottom" can go into the negatives. Im totally annoyed and stressed right now. I cant remember the last time I was really happy. That is sad. There is always something weighing on my brain. I just wish I could be free. When will I be free?? Maybe my worries and stresses of life will never end, until it really does end...
This is my plead that everyone realize who you are and who are the people you associate yourselves with. I hope that everyone realizes that you are only guaranteed that your life is destined to end. Life is very precious. I only hope that ppl. begin to spend their lives in such a manner. Sometimes living for today is the only thing you got. But also making sure that if you are lucky enough to live tomorrow that you are OK with the decisions you made today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with everything that you said about how we must live each day as it is our last, but be okay with what we did the next day, just in case it wasnt our last. I love it. This all comes from self evaluation and at any point if we are not okay with the way things are going in our own lives... the great part about it all, is that its we must do what we will, can, and want in order to pursue our peak. Our campus is mourning right now and other things in our lives have not gone quite unoticed either, but if anything... in the mist of it all, i still love my tay tay :)