CALLING ALL THE SINGLE LADIES...Who does Beyonce have fooled? How much more single lady..women empowerment...songs can she put out there with that $5 million ring loading her finger down. Shes been with JayZ for 9835230 years and counting. I mean dont get me wrong, I AM THE BIGGEST BONNIE AND CLYDE SUPPORTER EVER. I love seeing them together. I hate the fact that Beyonce is talking about her wedding and marriage...I think that the mystery about them kept ppl wanting more. But anywhooo...I want a relationship like that. I mean a love like that. I just wish that I had something like that, someone that made me want to write a song about them like "flaws n all", "dangerously in love" siggggggggghhhhhhhhhh :(
I would love to know when my next love will come my way...I think Ive been watching too many chick-flicks and that is why i am feeling all mushy and wishing to be loved and given attention. I go to a school with about 12000 people and just to save face, ill say that 6000 of them are males. 3000 are not my type, 2000 are gay or in a relationship. 500 of them are too young or too old. 300 are uninterested in me or too intimidated by me for some reason, or dogs. That leaves about 200 that could possibly be ok, its probablly less than that to be honest. But Im open. For both B and Dawn from Danity Kane they had to look outside of their age range so maybe thats what I may have to do. Mom wont be too excited if I bring home some 21+ year old, but we shall see.
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